What is my ‘Fight’?¶
When starting The Master in Design for Emergent Futures we were asked to introduce ourselves and our ‘Fight’ or quest that drives us in a poster. The assignment was at this stage, for me, a difficult question to answer concretely as I have many fields of interest and that everything is connected.
With a reflective and questioning mindset I have a drive to understand different perspectives, an eagerness to learn new things and take on new challenges. I am an analytical problem-solver with a desire to understand how things fit together in a greater context where finding patterns and connections in complex situations and systems become possibilities for reforming and improving. With interests in research, psychology, well-being and function I seek to localise the core and essence of a problem or situation, working with solutions where the sum of parts, materials, space, objects and people come together as a whole.
With a background in Product/ Furniture design my focus has been on working with social issues and how the things around us affect people, mental health and the environment. My fight lies in creating a balance in the relationship between humans and nature and all that is in-between. Working with materials, production methods and communities to create regenerative environments.
While mapping myself and what skills and knowledge I have now, as well as which ones I would like to have in the future the feeling of how little I know became overwhelming, as well as exciting when thinking about all the things there are to learn. Overall during this 9 month period of the master I plan to keep an open mind and to learn in every way possible. This development plan will therefor also evolve along the way as I evolve and learn more.